Lunar Love Series #3:Radiant Renewal: A First Quarter Moon Ritual for Self-Love

As the moon begins to wax in the first quarter, it symbolizes a time of growth and momentum. This lunar phase offers a perfect opportunity to channel the moon's energy into cultivating self-love. In this ritual, we'll explore a series of steps designed to harness the power of the first quarter moon for renewed self-appreciation.

Setting the Stage: Create a space that promotes both introspection and inspiration. Arrange soft lighting, calming colors, and comforting textures to enhance the ambiance. Choose a spot where you can sit or lie comfortably as you embark on this journey of self-love.

Gathering Your Tools:

  1. Moonstone or Amethyst Crystal: Select a crystal that resonates with the energy of the first quarter moon, such as moonstone or amethyst, to amplify the lunar vibrations.

  2. Yellow or Gold Candles: Use candles in warm, inviting colors like yellow or gold to symbolize self-confidence and empowerment. Arrange them around your space to create a comforting glow.

  3. Aromatherapy Oils: Choose essential oils with uplifting scents, such as lavender, chamomile, or frankincense, to create a calming and rejuvenating atmosphere.

  4. Mirror: Have a mirror on hand for a visual reflection of your self-love journey.

The Ritual Steps:

  1. Moonlit Meditation: Begin your ritual with a grounding meditation. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and visualize the first quarter moon's energy enveloping you. Feel a sense of growth and empowerment as you connect with the expanding lunar energy.

  2. Crystal Connection: Hold the chosen crystal in your hands and set an intention for self-love and growth. Feel the crystal's energy resonating with the first quarter moon, infusing you with a sense of clarity and confidence.

  3. Candlelit Affirmations: Light the candles and recite affirmations focused on self-love and empowerment. Speak words that affirm your worth, strength, and uniqueness. Let the candlelight symbolize the growing radiance of your self-love journey.

  4. Aromatherapy Bliss: Inhale the invigorating scents of the essential oils, allowing them to uplift your spirits. Apply a small amount to your pulse points or diffuse the oils in your space, creating a fragrant atmosphere that supports your self-love intentions. Always use carrier oils when applying essential oils to the skin.

  5. Mirror Reflection: Gaze into the mirror and reflect on your own image. Appreciate the unique qualities that make you who you are. Speak words of affirmation to yourself, acknowledging your growth and the beauty within.

  6. Empowering Visualization: Close your eyes and visualize yourself surrounded by a golden light, symbolizing self-love and empowerment. Envision this light expanding with each breath, filling your entire being with a radiant glow, reflecting into the mirror and enveloping your image.

  7. Written Self-Love Letter: Write a letter to yourself, expressing love, appreciation, and encouragement. Detail the qualities that make you special and acknowledge the progress you've made on your self-love journey.

  8. Lunar Connection: If possible, step outside and bask in the moonlight. Feel the first quarter moon's energy connecting with your intentions for self-love. Allow the lunar glow to further amplify your sense of empowerment.

As you conclude this first quarter moon self-love ritual, carry the newfound radiance within you. Embrace the growth and empowerment that comes with the lunar cycle. May the momentum of the first quarter moon inspire continued self-love and appreciation on your journey of personal transformation.

Irene Maropakis

Licensed Creative Arts Therapist / Founder of Enodia Therapies

I specialize in working with creative highly sensitive people who deal with depression and anxiety. I am LGBTQIA+ affirming, feminist, sex-positive, and work from a trauma-informed, anti-oppressive, multiculturally sensitive, & intersectional approach towards holistic embodied healing and life empowerment. Together we will process your experiences, change unhelpful narratives, and develop harmony and balance within yourself. I work as witness in helping you develop a more nuanced inner dialogue to move from a place of confusion and disconnection towards self-compassion and healing.

Lunar Love Series #4:Embracing Lunar Radiance: A Full Moon Ritual for Self-Love


Lunar Love Series #2:Embracing Light and Shadow: A Self-Love Ritual with Shadow Work