Full Moon in Leo: Full Moon Ritual for Releasing What is Holding You Back
Tonight, the Full Moon illuminates the sky in 27 degrees Leo. As the moon cycles between different signs, it brings with it different energies. These energies can sometimes be subtle or gentle or bring a necessary tower moment. So how can we use this moment to harness the power of Full Moon in Leo for Your Mental Health?
Download the Full Moon in Leo Journaling Ritual Here.
What Does the Full Moon in Leo Mean?
Leo represents the courage to show yourself, your creativity and your actions to the world. While Leo can sometimes be seen as the overly cocky, attention-grabbing sign. These are the shadow elements on the sign, as all signs do. However, I challenge you to think of why you have these biases towards the sign of Leo? Most often it is because we envy the ability to present yourself fully or are scared to show up as we truly are. Leo’s may be prideful, but one thing no can deny is that their presence is strong.
Do you need to have been born under the sign of Leo to portray these qualities? Of course not! The reason the signs have been attributed to certain qualities is that they are innately human, and accessible to all.
You are uniquely you, you have talents, and gifts, that are only yours. Full Moon in Leo asks you to hone in on these gifts and allow yourself to blossom forward with them.
What the Full Moon in Leo Asks of Us
Full Moon in Leo asks us, how do we hide our gifts? How do we diminish our presence? How do we show up for ourselves in this world? This Full Moon asks us to release what is holding us back from this expression.
Not showcasing your gifts be it at your job, or personal life can prevent you from blossoming into a more authentic version of you.
Leo asks us to rise above self-judgment, and the judgement of others, to explore the ways we reject ourselves, and reject others, and how we actively turn away from our authentic self out of fear.
This of course doesn’t come without a sense of risk. However, stepping out of our comfort zone is what provides the water for the seeds of ourselves to grow. It is easy to get caught up in negative thinking patterns, and self-criticism. Full Moon in Leo provides the platform in supporting confidence to help push past these barriers and resistances.
Full Moon in Leo is asking you to step into your power, creatively, intellectually, emotionally to act on your dreams. Use your courage and creativity to release all the reasons you can’t move towards what you desire in tonight’s Full Moon. This cycle reminds you that it is okay to feel what is in your heart and bring it forth into the world.
Every Full Moon is also a time to see how the seeds you planted during your New Moon intentions have come forth. Full Moon is a time of reevaluating things, focusing on what you want to release. As the high energy of the moon rises, emotions can be heightened, giving way for the opportunity to go inwards. Releasing and forgiveness are just as important a step as looking towards what you want to grow.
Download the Full Moon in Leo Journaling Ritual Here.
Full Moon in Leo Ritual
· Cleansing tool of your choice (bells, music, incense, a bath)
· Full Moon in Leo Journal & Pen
· Full Moon Intention
Begin by clearing the space and yourself with the cleansing tool of your choice. This can be a bell or chime, some music, burning incense, or taking a bath. As you do this acknowledge and know that this space and you are sacred and cleared of all negativities.
Grab a notebook or our Full Moon in Leo Journal and a pen. Find a comfortable place for you to do this introspective work. You may wish to light a candle, or put on some moody lighting, play music, or invite friends over facetime or in-person to go through this process with you. Sometimes our friends have insightful perspectives on our lives that we may not be able to see in the moment that can help us better recognize what actions we’d like to take.
Begin going through the prompts.
Full Moon in Leo Journaling Prompt
First, explore what it is that is generally holding you back. What are the present challenges you are moving through? What themes are you frustrated within your life? What narratives are playing out? What self-limiting thoughts or beliefs are present?
Once you’ve identified these areas, describe how they currently impact your life.
Now review what you have written and view it through the lens that the Leo energy brings. In what ways do these things you have written prevent you from expressing yourself in your most fully confident and assured self.
Think about how you would move through these challenges with the energy of Leo supporting you.
Create a list of forgiveness, where can you forgive yourself and where can you forgive others.
What did you learn leading up to this Full Moon phase? What surprised you during this phase? What were the challenges? What gave you happiness?
Write down what you’re letting go of and why. Express gratitude for the challenges that have brought you to this point and let go. Once you’ve identified these areas focus on how you can release them. The word release often is confusing, it does not mean to simply forget them, but how can you find peace with them, radically accept them, and work towards steps that move you past them.
Releasing can involve physical actions such as decluttering your desk or closet, or releasing the hoarding of emotions, limiting beliefs about your worth, fears about what may happen if you let go of those limiting beliefs that keep you in your comfort zone. When you let go, you create space to welcome in what is more aligned with your authentic self, for continued growth and expansion.
Now focus on what it is that you currently are working to bring into your life. If you completed the New Moon Intentions Journaling here, you may want to revisit this intention and see if it is still relevant to your goals. If you did not set intentions during the New Moon, you may do so now and use those prompts as a guide.
Envision how you can incorporate the qualities of Leo into your intention. Where can you be bolder, and loud? Where can you take up space? How can you cultivate more confidence in achieving your intention?
Take your list of what you would like to let go and affirm to yourself.
I release the unforgivable, the fear, the unwanted that holds me back from accomplishing my goals. I release and no longer carry the emotional hurt and pain that I carry that prevents my heart and self from feeling loved. I release the past, the resentment, the negative thoughts I hold towards myself and others. I release my sabotaging beliefs, blockages preventing me from achieving my full confident expression of myself. With the power of the full moon, I renew my heart, my passion, my presence, my confidence. I am free of stagnation and open to love myself unconditionally and to show up with pride in myself.
Now take this list and to dispose of it in a way that feels right for you.
Now reflect on your intention that you’d like to bring in. Affirm it to yourself, speak it out loud, feel the words.
Think of one step you can take towards this intention.
The Full Moon itself is a time of releasing, clearing, letting go, of what no longer serves you or is preventing you from moving forward. Remember that you are worthy of all that you desire.
Best in love,