Thoughts on Therapy, Empowerment & Creativity
✨ Thoughts on Therapy, Empowerment & Creativity ✨
What is Jungian Art Therapy?
What is Jungian Art Therapy? Learn about this unique art therapy approach first hand with a free Jungian Art Therapy Exercise at the end!
Yes, You Can Have Real Effective Therapy in Your Pajamas. Here’s Why Telehealth Therapy Works.
Remote learning, remote working, remote doctor visits, and now remote therapy? When I bring up that I conduct sessions via teletherapy most ask me “Can I really have effective therapy from my couch?” The answer is, yes! In this article we will explore what telehealth is, its benefits and challenges, as well as some lovely juicy research (don’t worry, TLDR included) on why telehealth is an effective therapy practice that may be the right fit for you!
How Mercury Retrograde Affects Your Mental Health
We see the words “Mercury is in Retrograde” all across the internet, but have we take time to really understand what it means? When we think of Mercury Retrograde the first idea that comes to mind is “Bad Times”. I would like to challenge that notion. In this article we will explore what Mercury Retrograde is, how it affects your mental health, and how to use this and all retrogrades for your benefit!
What to Ask Yourself Before Starting Therapy
One of the biggest hurdles to seeking services is our own mental and emotional readiness. Therapy is a process that invites you to explore unresolved issues and difficult experiences. This can be difficult to navigate without some baseline of what you actually are looking for. Here are some questions to ask yourself that can guide you in preparing for therapy, and ultimately finding the best therapist for you!
The Art of Feeling Your Feelings
When it comes to self-care, your emotional needs are just as important and physical and mental ones. Acknowledging and accepting all your emotions, even those you’d rather suppress, takes effort, but being able to welcome sadness, anxiety, anger or regret is a vital step on the path to self-love. Only when you recognize your feelings can you decide whether to change or influence them.